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On September 30, 2008, I posted this entry: CLICK HERE
Today, as I opened my iWeb to update my site, I noticed a few comments had been posted. I easily found the recent posts, but there was one which wasn’t obvious. So I scrolled and scrolled until I found this comment was made yesterday on my entry which was posted nearly two years ago:
Shut the fuck up you communist. If you knew anything about anything you would know that competitive eating is huge in many other countries and relatively small in America. And I guess passing out a few Krystal burgers around the world is going to magically end world hunger. These guys train hard to do this and if they want to do it, then let em. They aren’t hurting anyone. Find something more reasonable to bitch about you miserable commie.
So, to be a good sport, I posted this:
The Author
Dear Pissed,
If you are one of my friends being sarcastic – ha ha, very funny.
If you are a random visitor who has spent enough time on my site to read all the way back to 2008 – Thanks for the visit! I appreciate your interest and thank you for your participation in the comment feature! Way to utilize it to the fullest!
If you want to support and applaud people who get paid to stuff their faces, then be my guest. I happen to feel differently. And just as I have the right to my own opinion, I have the right to voice it.
I should also clarify that I am not a communist. I happen to live in a communist country at the moment, but that does not mean that I enjoy it. As the author and owner of this website I have every right to delete your comment. If I were communist, then I would have.
Thank you for visiting On The Bright Side, and have a great day!
I’ve been spending some time recently researching social media outlets and interconnectivity on the internet. It fascinates me. And ever since I’ve been more active on Twitter, I’ve noticed a sharp increase in traffic to my website. And that’s great. That’s what I’ve hoped for. I like that we have methods of communication which allow us to express our opinion and share information, our ideas and opinions with others.
I can’t help but wonder who are the (at the time of this post) 14 Swiss, 6 Australians, 2 Italians and 1 Malaysian who have visited my site? I pretty much can guess who all the others are, but I’m curious to know who else has visited On The Bright Side. It’s exciting and I eagerly watch the flag counters now that I’ve added them.
But receiving a visit and a comment from some idiot who thinks I’m a miserable commie because I don’t like sponsored eating contests and who uses the lame-ass excuse of “they’re not hurting anyone” can simply find another website to peruse and blogger to harass. Hey Pissed – Thanks for giving me something more reasonable to bitch about. Go ahead. Add a comment.
Professional Eating Contests – Two years after my original post, I still think these contests are a disgrace and a waste of money. This photo sums it up for me. Gross and totally disgusting!
NOTE: Since I redesigned my site, the comments have been lost. But trust me, I couldn’t make that stuff up. Nor would I want to!
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