GLOWing in Bangkok
Yesterday I made my way to Bangkok where I will spend the next week on sales calls. I’m here with my Sales Manager from Laos, which will be our main focus. Since the riots and violence in May, travel to Laos and Luang Prabang has severely slowed down. Most of the flights to Luang Prabang come from Bangkok. The number of flights per day has been limited and the people on the flights are few. Bangok flights from Hanoi have also been limited to just 4 per day across two airlines. An while Hanoi has a direct flight to Luang Prabang, the cost remains $340 round trip. A bit expensive to just zip over for the weekend.
I happen to love Bangkok and Thailand. The traffic and the rainy season my put a damper on running around town for business, but I’ll stay through the weekend to get a health check-up and do a wee bit of shopping.
The photo I’ve included is my hotel room, the Glow Trinity Hotel. It’s pretty cute and comfy!