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A Celebration of Life

Yesterday was a terribly sad day. A community of friends from my high school days gathered to say goodbye to the lovely Marsi, the adored wife of our classmate, Steve. The service, held in the same church as our high school baccalaureate, was a loving and moving tribute to a vibrant woman who passed a month before her 41st birthday from a three year battle with breast cancer.

It was heartbreaking to hear her brother’s words, gut wrenching to catch glimpses of Marsi and Steve’s young children. But it was Steve’s moment at the podium that put us all at ease. He was tender and emotional, but he lightened the mood with a few humorous stories. We all admired his composure under the circumstances.

It seemed almost everyone who was at the service was equally eager to join in the celebration of life at a nearby pub, just as Marsi would want. We told stories, relived special moments, and we rekindled old friendships.

Some faces I hadn’t seen since high school. Some not since the last reunion. I’m amazed how everyone looks exactly the same. And I love that we pick up our conversations like we had spoken on the phone just yesterday.

In celebrating Marsi’s life, we celebrated friendship, honest and open conversations, and deep connections with people who shaped our childhood, who stamped their names on treasured memories. Why does it take losing a beautiful friend to celebrate the beauty of old friendships?

I hope Marsi is at peace, and I thank her for reminding us that life and the people we love and cherish should never be taken for granted.



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