> Download Oisd 144 pdf Read Online >> Read Online Oisd 144 pdf oisd 169 pdf oisd latest and comply with the OISD OISD STD 105, 116, 117, 118 Oisd standard 116 pdf Layout of an installation shall be done in accordance with OISD-Standard-118 on (2004 Edition) and the latest". p) Petroleum Refinery Petroleum Refinery is a plant where crude oil is received and processed into intermediates and finished products. Equipment should be arranged in logistic process sequence for optimum piping runs and operational and maintenance ease. Lube Oil Installations The facilities for receipt.C or any flammable gas or vapor in a concentration capable of ignition is likely to be present. located at minimum distance of 60 meters from any hydrocarbon source. Corrugated Plate Interceptor (CPI). Accordingly, OISD constituted a number of functional committees comprising of experts nominated from the industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various subjects. The separation distance shall be 50 m. However. a) Table-6 is applicable for total storage of above 100 Tonnes. For excluded petroleum. Moreover, OISD was also given responsibility of monitoring implementation status of these standards through safety audits. stabilized and despatched for further processing. The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules. The present document on Cross-country Natural Gas Pipelines and City Gas pipeline were prepared by the Functional Committee on Natural Gas Pipelines. refer OISD-STD-163. populated and hazardous areas.g. Class-C petroleum should preferably be stored in separate enclosure. Storage vessels shall not be stacked one above the other.2 Separation Distances between tanks / offsites facilities. (c) For excluded petroleum product storage. New Delhi In addition to the above. (i) Petroleum having flash point below 65 deg. (i) Blow down facility (open pit type) / oil catcher shall be located at a distance not less than 30 m from fired heater / any fired equipment. LPG storage vessels shall not be located within the same dykes where other liquid hydrocarbons are stored. April 3, 2018 | Author: veerkumarp | The following are the key codes and standards requirements in India for tank farm design. 3(i)] ----- ministry of petroleum and natural gas These could be suitably modified as required to suit space constraints and relevant engineering practices except the followings.3 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. . . (h) Vessels. Flare should be located upwind of process units and the area around flare should be paved. 1.05 Whether the location of halipad is safe and conforming to DGCA norms? . heaters. Although, these can vary based on geographical changes and local statutory requirements: OISD-118 (Layouts for Oil and Gas Installations) OISD-116 or 117 (For Fire Fighting requirements) intermediate pumping station / compressor station. OISD-STD-118 Revision - II FOR RESTRICTED CIRCULATION LAYOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS OISD – STANDARD – 118 Revision – II, September 2004 Oil Industry Safety Directorate Government of India Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. Shri A.Maji.Lokhande.D. (j) (k) Storage tanks should be grouped according to product classification.Environmental considerations .0.Highest flood level in the area. However. With this in view. Engineers India Limited..(R) Bombay Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (iv) .. Equipment drawing air (e. Minimum separation distance of 50 meters is recommended between sulfur storage / handling and any facility or boundary wall. vital process equipments and control room. d) e) Pedestrian pathways should be provided / marked alongside the primary traffic roads. for a variety of reasons. Separation distances specified in other OISD standards or elsewhere in this standard (other than Table –2) shall be followed as recommended. Roads should be provided in a symmetric manner to serve all process areas requiring access for the operation. Technical Directorate under MOP&NG to oversee HSE matters in Oil & … For these reasons. Trucking traffic shall be smooth to avoid blocking/ obstruction for loading and unloading of cylinders. slope. g) Rail spur shall be located close to the periphery of the plant to minimise road/pipe crossings and blockage of roads during shunting. NOIDA IOCL. tap-off station. Approval of New OISD standards (((Two Nos)(Two Nos) The following new OISD standards have been formulated & approved in 35 th SCM : OISD-RP-243 ‘Recommended Practice on Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Operations’ OISD-STD-245 ‘Standard on Safety for LNG Bunkering Facilities at Ports, for Large Ships, Coastal Shipping and Inland Type of construction shall be as per OISD-STD-163." 7. dusty operations (e. i) t) u) Should Indicates provisions that are recommended but not mandatory. Separation distances between Blocks / Facilities Separation distances between equipment within Process unit Inter-distances between Storage Tanks and Offsite facilities (Large installation) Separation distances between Storage Tanks and Offsite facilities (Small Installations) Separation distances between Storage Tanks within a Dyke Separation distances for LPG Facilities Separation distances between LPG Storage Vessels and Boundary / Property line / Group of Buildings not associated with LPG facilities (vi) . These interdistances are based on OISD Standard 118, Table 1. Equipment spacing within the process unit may be varied to meet the requirements specified by Licensors or of the Engineering Consultants.000 cum. g) Flash Point "Flash point" of any petroleum liquid is the lowest temperature at which the liquid yields vapour in sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air and gives a momentary "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. a) Two road approaches from the highway / major road should be provided. Consideration should be given to access for fire fighting. As such variety of practices have been in vogue because of collaboration / association with different foreign companies and governments. air compressors. .1 meters. e) In Table –4. OISD Standards 1 List of Standards 2 OISD-GDN-115 3 OISD-GDN-145 4 OISD-GDN-161 maintenance and inspection of Terminal and Tank facilities. Separation distances between the nearest tanks located in separate dykes shall not be less than the diameter of the larger of the two tanks or 30 meters. h) k) LPG Facilities LPG facility is one where liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is stored. Such provisions should be considered based on local environmental / security requirements. 7. where Class-C petroleum is stored in a common dyke along with Class-A and/or Class-B petroleum.0 7.000 cum. OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their use. h) Layout of the facilities shall be made to minimise truck traffic ingress in the plant. v) Stabling Line It is an additional railway line / spur reserved for additional rake / stabling." Rail loading facilities should be located along the periphery of the installation. The edge of the road shall not be less than 15 meters away from the edge of the unit. 9.0 REFERENCES: 1." Note 2 : Type of construction shall be as per OISD-STD-163. Oisd 118 Standard Pdf Posted By admin On 30/04/19 Hp support assistant … for installations in coastal areas. The following article will provide a sample case study for Storage Tanks Layout or Tank Farm based on OISD-Standards-118. s) Service building A building housing facilities for inspection / maintenance / other "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. refer "The Petroleum Rules . API Separators / Oil sludge pit 1 Note-1 Note-3 30 30 30 60 90 45 45 60 45 30 60 60 30 90 2 Note-3 x 3 30 Note-4 4 30 Note-5 Note-6 Note-6 Note-6 30 90 30 30 60 (90) 30 T3 30 30 50 5 30 30 Note-6 Note-6 Note-6 30 90 30 30 60 (90) 30 T3 30 30 50 6 60 60 30 30 30 T7 90 30 T6 90 (90) 30 T7 45 30 60 7 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 8 45 45 30 30 30 30 90 Note-8 Note-9 60 30 Note-10 T3 60 30 50 9 45 45 30 30 30 T6 90 Note-9 T6 90 (90) T6 T6 60 30 50 10 60 30 60 60 60 90 90 60 90 x 30 30 12 12 30 90 11 45 Note-3 (90) (90) (90) (90) 90 30 (90) 30 x 15 50 30 30 Note-12 12 30 x 30 30 30 30 90 Note-10 T6 30 15 x 30 6 15 50 13 60 30 T3 T3 T3 T7 90 T3 T6 12 50 30 x 6 30 50 14 60 15 60 30 30 45 90 60 60 12 30 6 6 x 30 50 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 90 30 30 30 30 15 30 30 x 15 TABLE – 1 16 90 30 50 50 50 60 90 50 50 90 Note12 50 50 50 15 x Note-4 Note-6 Note -5 Note-6 30 60 90 45 45 30 Note-3 x 30 15 30 30 Note-6 30 90 30 30 60 (90) 30 T3 60 30 50 General Notes to Table-1 . Space should be provided for removal and cleaning of heater tubes besides approach for crane. e) d) 3. group of tanks located in a dyke. SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR LPG FACILITIES TABLE . as applicable. water table.Service buildings.Site topography including elevation. (For large installations) Tanks / Facility TABLE . Water spray deluge valve shall be minimum 15 m from equipment handling hydrocarbon.a) b) c) All distances are face-to-face clear minimum distances in meters. Piping connected to tanks should run directly to outside of dyke to the extent possible to minimise piping within the enclosures. . 8. This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the experience and better understanding. oil collecting station. and (d) company philosophy. sulfur. boiler house. Rail loading/unloading of LPG should be restricted to a maximum of half rake. Horizontal clearance shall be in line with the Indian Electricity Rules. Class-B or Class-C petroleum. 13.0 Check proper bolting of flange joints. air blower. heater of a process unit remains an integral part of the process unit to which it is attached and in that case the inter equipment distances should be inline with Table –2. Both these approaches should be available for receipt of assistance in emergency. The requirement of green belt / buffer zone beyond the plant boundary is outside the scope of this standard. Cylinder evacuation facilities Tank Truck Loading / unloading gantry Tank wagon gantry Rail spur Pump house / Compressor house (LPG) Fire Water pump house 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Note-1 T7 30 30 50 30 15 60 T7 x 30 30 50 30 30 x 30 30 15 30 50 30 15 60 30 30 30 30 50 50 30 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 60 30 30 30 50 50 50 30 60 15 30 15 30 30 30 x 60 60 x 60 60 60 60 60 x TABLE– 7 SEPARATION DISTANCES BETWEEN LPG STORAGE VESSELS AND BOUNDARY WALL / GROUP OF BUILDINGS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH LPG FACILITIES "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices." Loss Prevention in process Industries by Frank P Lees. Storage vessels should be located down wind of process units. (m) Sulphur recovery unit and sulphur loading area should be located close to product movement gate and away from process units. it shall be minimum 30 meters irrespective of whether it is for one or more units. f)For different combination of storage tanks.SEPARATION DISTANCES BETWEEN STORAGE TANKS WITHIN A DYKE Item 1 2 All tanks with Diameter upto 50 meters Tanks with Diameter exceeding 50 meters." However in case these tanks are provided with windows opening on the shell and these windows will not get blocked in any case. Filling machines and testing facilities shall be organized in sequential manner distinctly in a separate area.3 (a) LPG truck loading/unloading gantry shall be located in a separate block and shall not be grouped with other petroleum products. Regulations . either the power plant should be located at the side of the boundary wall or the external power transmission lines should be taken underground upto interconnection grid.Aviation considerations .Product receipt / despatch and mode of transport (rail. Mumbai Refinery.S. construction. Equivalent international standard for OISD -118 a234f56 (Mechanical) (OP) 7 Jul 11 05:46. g) The distance of storage tanks from boundary wall is applicable for. concrete or solid masonry shall be designed to withstand the hydrostatic load. Drilling activities and facilities upstream of the Christmas Tree of a well are not covered under this definition. These roads should encircle the process blocks/ process units. operability.0 LAYOUT OF PROCESS UNITS Equipment in process unit can be arranged in many ways. NOIDA Oil India Limited. 4. as appropriate: (a) risk / benefit analysis. a mixture of propane and butane also fall under the same category. fire control room with required communication facilities/mimic panel. For the installations covered under Oil Mines Regulation. Now our products are Class C i.e. Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in these documents. Gas Processing Plant Gas processing plant is a facility where natural gas is received and processed to separate gas. Distances specified in Table-2 are the minimum recommended distances that the industry should adhere. gas compressor station and well head installation.0 SCOPE This document lays down minimum requirements of layouts within the plant boundary for petroleum refineries. petroleum wax. will go a long way in improving the safety in oil and gas industry. Effluent Treatment Plant should be located minimum one block away from process unit area. The distances recommended should be followed to the extent feasible. LPG bottling facilities should be located at a safe distance from other facilities with minimum ingress to trucking traffic and downwind to storage. Rao. 14.0 Check for proper alignment 15.0 Check for tension free jointing of piping connected to pressure vessel 16.0 Check painting for Dry Film Thickness (DFT). However, heater of a process unit remains an integral part of the process unit to which it is attached and in that case the inter equipment distances should be inline with Table –2. Distances given for the tanks are shell to shell in the same dyke. oisd standard 117 oil industry safety directorate pdf Free access for oisd standard 117 oil industry safety directorate pdf from our huge library or simply read online from your computer instantly. There shall be no structure that would fall on the control room in case of a blast.Flares . (c) Minimum separation distances between various equipment within process units are given in Table-2. For details. LAYOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS. c) Crude Oil Gathering Station: Crude oil gathering station / Group gathering station is a production installation used for gathering. OISD-STD. flammable and Combustible Liquid Code. The cabin should be located upwind side of the unit in nonhazardous area and away from draining / sampling facilities. thereby splitting the unit into two or more areas of equipment. loading gantries. OISD-STD-117 & OISD-STD-144 as the case may be. Shri S. Shri K.Banerjee Shri M. Shri D.Palnitkar. these shall be (t) Fire station. operational and maintenance requirements d) T7 indicates Table –7.40 20 41 . Chemical / Toxic chemicals storage. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (M)... Bombay. if these are covered from the top and provided with adequate venting to safe location. Heat Exchangers and vessels should be grouped together forming outer rows on both sides of the rack. standardising and upgrading the existing standards to ensure safer operations. Presence of ignition source shall always be contemplated beyond the boundary wall of the installation. Spacing between equipment shall be adequate for undertaking maintenance jobs. For Gas processing plants. operating and maintaining oil and gas installations. If a group of tanks contains both fixed and floating roof tanks. New Delhi Shri Arvind Kumar.K. several other experts from the industry contributed in the preparation.S. warehouse. Fuel Oil day tank shall be located at a distance of not less than 15m from equipment except those facilities such as heat exchanger. OISD-STANDARD-118 Third Revision FOR RESTRICTED CIRCULATION. . (d) There shall be access on all four sides of each dyke area and roads should be linked to minimize the effect if one road is cut off during the fire. Longitudinal axes of horizontal vessels (Bullets) should not point towards other vessels. grease manufacturing plants.OISD-STD-118 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- flash on application of a small pilot flame under specified conditions of test as per IS: 1448 (Part-I). It is hoped that the provision of this document. 5 4.5 x x x 3 3 10 3 3 x 3 1.0 4 9 9 9 x 4.5D Min 3.5 D Min 4.5 6 9 9 9 3 9 9 9 5 9 0.5D 0.5 x 9 4.5 x 9 4.5 3 9 4.5D 0.5 D Min 4.5D / 6.5 x x 3 x x 11 15 4.5 3 0.5 4.5 3 x x x x 13 15 D Min 4.5 4.0 x 9 0.B Tank vehicle Loading / unloading Class .5 0.0 0.5 x 1.5D 9 4.0 9 4.5 4.5 1.0 0.5 x 9 4.5 4. stores.5D / 6.5D Min 3.5 D Min 3.5 4.5 3 9 4.A Tank vehicle Loading / unloading Class .5 9 x 4.5 x 9 4.5 x 9 4.0 9 0.5 x x x 0.5D / 6.5 4." it may not be practicable to comply with. installation. it is the height from tank bottom to top of tank shell. j) Hazardous Area An area will be deemed to be hazardous where. View Std-118 from GENERAL HUL461 at IIT Kanpur. LAYOUT FACILITIES OF BLOCKS / gantry.Bathymetric data (high tide level. Pumps may be arranged in two rows close to and on either side of the pipe rack. f) Fire Water pump house A building housing fire water pumps. whichever is more. The rest of controls should be taken to control room. . Curb wall around the storage tank shall have a minimum height of 30cm.2 LPG bottling facility. (b) The unit pipe rack should be kept in the centre. .Sr no. storage areas for solid products such as petroleum coke. the minimum thereof shall be used. 1.06 Whether fire station is located at a safe place? The minimum distances recommended many years ago need review in the context of today's environment in the industry. experience gained after the implementation of standards and relevant updation in the various national and international codes and practices. Pump stations and piping manifold should be located outside dyke areas by the side of roads. (c) company experience. (o) 6. acid effluents. The present document on “Layouts for Oil and Gas Installation” is the second revision of this OISD Standard. (i) Where ambient temperatures or the handling temperatures are higher than the flash point of the product. dispatch and receiving facilities with or without storage. Aviation storage & fuelling stations. group of pressurized storage tanks. For mounded LPG storage. Fire station should be upwind of process units and hydrocarbon storage area with straight approach to process units / other critical areas. 6. New Delhi BPCL. pipeline. This distance shall not be less than the diameter of the nearest vessel or 15 meters whichever is higher. Drop out area should be provided for maintenance. If the blow down drum is located underground / oil catcher is cover with vent to safe location. workshop etc. the minimum separation distance shall be 30 meter. firewater storage & firewater pump house shall be located at a safe place away from hazardous areas. Shri H.COMMITTEES ON LAYOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS Second Revision – Month /Year LEADER Shri Vinay Kumar MEMBERS GAIL (India) Limited. operational and maintenance requirements. Gas compressors should have roofing and open from sides to avoid accumulation of heavier vapours/gases on the floor of compressor house. jockey pumps. Note: In the following cases. Towers. Grouping. 15. … Oil / Gas Production Plant Oil / Gas production plant is a plant where oil and/or gas is collected. refer OISD-STD-150. Propane." A free board of 200 mm above the calculated liquid level shall be considered for fixing the height of the dyke.0 m and shall not be more than 2.2 (a) (b) (c) "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. Section 8 Housing Louisiana, Sennder Uber Freight, Supplemental Security Income, Cookie Synonym Urban Dictionary, Clay County Jail Hayesville, Nc, Athena Create Table Array, Ann Arbor Bs&a, Easyjet Inflight Magazine Editor, Impaired Skin Integrity As Evidenced By, Magic Sword Quotes, "/> > Download Oisd 144 pdf Read Online >> Read Online Oisd 144 pdf oisd 169 pdf oisd latest and comply with the OISD OISD STD 105, 116, 117, 118 Oisd standard 116 pdf Layout of an installation shall be done in accordance with OISD-Standard-118 on (2004 Edition) and the latest". p) Petroleum Refinery Petroleum Refinery is a plant where crude oil is received and processed into intermediates and finished products. Equipment should be arranged in logistic process sequence for optimum piping runs and operational and maintenance ease. Lube Oil Installations The facilities for receipt.C or any flammable gas or vapor in a concentration capable of ignition is likely to be present. located at minimum distance of 60 meters from any hydrocarbon source. Corrugated Plate Interceptor (CPI). Accordingly, OISD constituted a number of functional committees comprising of experts nominated from the industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various subjects. The separation distance shall be 50 m. However. a) Table-6 is applicable for total storage of above 100 Tonnes. For excluded petroleum. Moreover, OISD was also given responsibility of monitoring implementation status of these standards through safety audits. stabilized and despatched for further processing. The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules. The present document on Cross-country Natural Gas Pipelines and City Gas pipeline were prepared by the Functional Committee on Natural Gas Pipelines. refer OISD-STD-163. populated and hazardous areas.g. Class-C petroleum should preferably be stored in separate enclosure. Storage vessels shall not be stacked one above the other.2 Separation Distances between tanks / offsites facilities. (c) For excluded petroleum product storage. New Delhi In addition to the above. (i) Petroleum having flash point below 65 deg. (i) Blow down facility (open pit type) / oil catcher shall be located at a distance not less than 30 m from fired heater / any fired equipment. LPG storage vessels shall not be located within the same dykes where other liquid hydrocarbons are stored. April 3, 2018 | Author: veerkumarp | The following are the key codes and standards requirements in India for tank farm design. 3(i)] ----- ministry of petroleum and natural gas These could be suitably modified as required to suit space constraints and relevant engineering practices except the followings.3 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. . . (h) Vessels. Flare should be located upwind of process units and the area around flare should be paved. 1.05 Whether the location of halipad is safe and conforming to DGCA norms? . heaters. Although, these can vary based on geographical changes and local statutory requirements: OISD-118 (Layouts for Oil and Gas Installations) OISD-116 or 117 (For Fire Fighting requirements) intermediate pumping station / compressor station. OISD-STD-118 Revision - II FOR RESTRICTED CIRCULATION LAYOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS OISD – STANDARD – 118 Revision – II, September 2004 Oil Industry Safety Directorate Government of India Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. Shri A.Maji.Lokhande.D. (j) (k) Storage tanks should be grouped according to product classification.Environmental considerations .0.Highest flood level in the area. However. With this in view. Engineers India Limited..(R) Bombay Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (iv) .. Equipment drawing air (e. Minimum separation distance of 50 meters is recommended between sulfur storage / handling and any facility or boundary wall. vital process equipments and control room. d) e) Pedestrian pathways should be provided / marked alongside the primary traffic roads. for a variety of reasons. Separation distances specified in other OISD standards or elsewhere in this standard (other than Table –2) shall be followed as recommended. Roads should be provided in a symmetric manner to serve all process areas requiring access for the operation. Technical Directorate under MOP&NG to oversee HSE matters in Oil & … For these reasons. Trucking traffic shall be smooth to avoid blocking/ obstruction for loading and unloading of cylinders. slope. g) Rail spur shall be located close to the periphery of the plant to minimise road/pipe crossings and blockage of roads during shunting. NOIDA IOCL. tap-off station. Approval of New OISD standards (((Two Nos)(Two Nos) The following new OISD standards have been formulated & approved in 35 th SCM : OISD-RP-243 ‘Recommended Practice on Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Operations’ OISD-STD-245 ‘Standard on Safety for LNG Bunkering Facilities at Ports, for Large Ships, Coastal Shipping and Inland Type of construction shall be as per OISD-STD-163." 7. dusty operations (e. i) t) u) Should Indicates provisions that are recommended but not mandatory. Separation distances between Blocks / Facilities Separation distances between equipment within Process unit Inter-distances between Storage Tanks and Offsite facilities (Large installation) Separation distances between Storage Tanks and Offsite facilities (Small Installations) Separation distances between Storage Tanks within a Dyke Separation distances for LPG Facilities Separation distances between LPG Storage Vessels and Boundary / Property line / Group of Buildings not associated with LPG facilities (vi) . These interdistances are based on OISD Standard 118, Table 1. Equipment spacing within the process unit may be varied to meet the requirements specified by Licensors or of the Engineering Consultants.000 cum. g) Flash Point "Flash point" of any petroleum liquid is the lowest temperature at which the liquid yields vapour in sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air and gives a momentary "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. a) Two road approaches from the highway / major road should be provided. Consideration should be given to access for fire fighting. As such variety of practices have been in vogue because of collaboration / association with different foreign companies and governments. air compressors. .1 meters. e) In Table –4. OISD Standards 1 List of Standards 2 OISD-GDN-115 3 OISD-GDN-145 4 OISD-GDN-161 maintenance and inspection of Terminal and Tank facilities. Separation distances between the nearest tanks located in separate dykes shall not be less than the diameter of the larger of the two tanks or 30 meters. h) k) LPG Facilities LPG facility is one where liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is stored. Such provisions should be considered based on local environmental / security requirements. 7. where Class-C petroleum is stored in a common dyke along with Class-A and/or Class-B petroleum.0 7.000 cum. OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their use. h) Layout of the facilities shall be made to minimise truck traffic ingress in the plant. v) Stabling Line It is an additional railway line / spur reserved for additional rake / stabling." Rail loading facilities should be located along the periphery of the installation. The edge of the road shall not be less than 15 meters away from the edge of the unit. 9.0 REFERENCES: 1." Note 2 : Type of construction shall be as per OISD-STD-163. Oisd 118 Standard Pdf Posted By admin On 30/04/19 Hp support assistant … for installations in coastal areas. The following article will provide a sample case study for Storage Tanks Layout or Tank Farm based on OISD-Standards-118. s) Service building A building housing facilities for inspection / maintenance / other "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. refer "The Petroleum Rules . API Separators / Oil sludge pit 1 Note-1 Note-3 30 30 30 60 90 45 45 60 45 30 60 60 30 90 2 Note-3 x 3 30 Note-4 4 30 Note-5 Note-6 Note-6 Note-6 30 90 30 30 60 (90) 30 T3 30 30 50 5 30 30 Note-6 Note-6 Note-6 30 90 30 30 60 (90) 30 T3 30 30 50 6 60 60 30 30 30 T7 90 30 T6 90 (90) 30 T7 45 30 60 7 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 8 45 45 30 30 30 30 90 Note-8 Note-9 60 30 Note-10 T3 60 30 50 9 45 45 30 30 30 T6 90 Note-9 T6 90 (90) T6 T6 60 30 50 10 60 30 60 60 60 90 90 60 90 x 30 30 12 12 30 90 11 45 Note-3 (90) (90) (90) (90) 90 30 (90) 30 x 15 50 30 30 Note-12 12 30 x 30 30 30 30 90 Note-10 T6 30 15 x 30 6 15 50 13 60 30 T3 T3 T3 T7 90 T3 T6 12 50 30 x 6 30 50 14 60 15 60 30 30 45 90 60 60 12 30 6 6 x 30 50 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 90 30 30 30 30 15 30 30 x 15 TABLE – 1 16 90 30 50 50 50 60 90 50 50 90 Note12 50 50 50 15 x Note-4 Note-6 Note -5 Note-6 30 60 90 45 45 30 Note-3 x 30 15 30 30 Note-6 30 90 30 30 60 (90) 30 T3 60 30 50 General Notes to Table-1 . Space should be provided for removal and cleaning of heater tubes besides approach for crane. e) d) 3. group of tanks located in a dyke. SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR LPG FACILITIES TABLE . as applicable. water table.Service buildings.Site topography including elevation. (For large installations) Tanks / Facility TABLE . Water spray deluge valve shall be minimum 15 m from equipment handling hydrocarbon.a) b) c) All distances are face-to-face clear minimum distances in meters. Piping connected to tanks should run directly to outside of dyke to the extent possible to minimise piping within the enclosures. . 8. This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the experience and better understanding. oil collecting station. and (d) company philosophy. sulfur. boiler house. Rail loading/unloading of LPG should be restricted to a maximum of half rake. Horizontal clearance shall be in line with the Indian Electricity Rules. Class-B or Class-C petroleum. 13.0 Check proper bolting of flange joints. air blower. heater of a process unit remains an integral part of the process unit to which it is attached and in that case the inter equipment distances should be inline with Table –2. Both these approaches should be available for receipt of assistance in emergency. The requirement of green belt / buffer zone beyond the plant boundary is outside the scope of this standard. Cylinder evacuation facilities Tank Truck Loading / unloading gantry Tank wagon gantry Rail spur Pump house / Compressor house (LPG) Fire Water pump house 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Note-1 T7 30 30 50 30 15 60 T7 x 30 30 50 30 30 x 30 30 15 30 50 30 15 60 30 30 30 30 50 50 30 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 60 30 30 30 50 50 50 30 60 15 30 15 30 30 30 x 60 60 x 60 60 60 60 60 x TABLE– 7 SEPARATION DISTANCES BETWEEN LPG STORAGE VESSELS AND BOUNDARY WALL / GROUP OF BUILDINGS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH LPG FACILITIES "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices." Loss Prevention in process Industries by Frank P Lees. Storage vessels should be located down wind of process units. (m) Sulphur recovery unit and sulphur loading area should be located close to product movement gate and away from process units. it shall be minimum 30 meters irrespective of whether it is for one or more units. f)For different combination of storage tanks.SEPARATION DISTANCES BETWEEN STORAGE TANKS WITHIN A DYKE Item 1 2 All tanks with Diameter upto 50 meters Tanks with Diameter exceeding 50 meters." However in case these tanks are provided with windows opening on the shell and these windows will not get blocked in any case. Filling machines and testing facilities shall be organized in sequential manner distinctly in a separate area.3 (a) LPG truck loading/unloading gantry shall be located in a separate block and shall not be grouped with other petroleum products. Regulations . either the power plant should be located at the side of the boundary wall or the external power transmission lines should be taken underground upto interconnection grid.Aviation considerations .Product receipt / despatch and mode of transport (rail. Mumbai Refinery.S. construction. Equivalent international standard for OISD -118 a234f56 (Mechanical) (OP) 7 Jul 11 05:46. g) The distance of storage tanks from boundary wall is applicable for. concrete or solid masonry shall be designed to withstand the hydrostatic load. Drilling activities and facilities upstream of the Christmas Tree of a well are not covered under this definition. These roads should encircle the process blocks/ process units. operability.0 LAYOUT OF PROCESS UNITS Equipment in process unit can be arranged in many ways. NOIDA Oil India Limited. 4. as appropriate: (a) risk / benefit analysis. a mixture of propane and butane also fall under the same category. fire control room with required communication facilities/mimic panel. For the installations covered under Oil Mines Regulation. Now our products are Class C i.e. Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in these documents. Gas Processing Plant Gas processing plant is a facility where natural gas is received and processed to separate gas. Distances specified in Table-2 are the minimum recommended distances that the industry should adhere. gas compressor station and well head installation.0 SCOPE This document lays down minimum requirements of layouts within the plant boundary for petroleum refineries. petroleum wax. will go a long way in improving the safety in oil and gas industry. Effluent Treatment Plant should be located minimum one block away from process unit area. The distances recommended should be followed to the extent feasible. LPG bottling facilities should be located at a safe distance from other facilities with minimum ingress to trucking traffic and downwind to storage. Rao. 14.0 Check for proper alignment 15.0 Check for tension free jointing of piping connected to pressure vessel 16.0 Check painting for Dry Film Thickness (DFT). However, heater of a process unit remains an integral part of the process unit to which it is attached and in that case the inter equipment distances should be inline with Table –2. Distances given for the tanks are shell to shell in the same dyke. oisd standard 117 oil industry safety directorate pdf Free access for oisd standard 117 oil industry safety directorate pdf from our huge library or simply read online from your computer instantly. There shall be no structure that would fall on the control room in case of a blast.Flares . (c) Minimum separation distances between various equipment within process units are given in Table-2. For details. LAYOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS. c) Crude Oil Gathering Station: Crude oil gathering station / Group gathering station is a production installation used for gathering. OISD-STD. flammable and Combustible Liquid Code. The cabin should be located upwind side of the unit in nonhazardous area and away from draining / sampling facilities. thereby splitting the unit into two or more areas of equipment. loading gantries. OISD-STD-117 & OISD-STD-144 as the case may be. Shri S. Shri K.Banerjee Shri M. Shri D.Palnitkar. these shall be (t) Fire station. operational and maintenance requirements d) T7 indicates Table –7.40 20 41 . Chemical / Toxic chemicals storage. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (M)... Bombay. if these are covered from the top and provided with adequate venting to safe location. Heat Exchangers and vessels should be grouped together forming outer rows on both sides of the rack. standardising and upgrading the existing standards to ensure safer operations. Presence of ignition source shall always be contemplated beyond the boundary wall of the installation. Spacing between equipment shall be adequate for undertaking maintenance jobs. For Gas processing plants. operating and maintaining oil and gas installations. If a group of tanks contains both fixed and floating roof tanks. New Delhi Shri Arvind Kumar.K. several other experts from the industry contributed in the preparation.S. warehouse. Fuel Oil day tank shall be located at a distance of not less than 15m from equipment except those facilities such as heat exchanger. OISD-STANDARD-118 Third Revision FOR RESTRICTED CIRCULATION. . (d) There shall be access on all four sides of each dyke area and roads should be linked to minimize the effect if one road is cut off during the fire. Longitudinal axes of horizontal vessels (Bullets) should not point towards other vessels. grease manufacturing plants.OISD-STD-118 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- flash on application of a small pilot flame under specified conditions of test as per IS: 1448 (Part-I). It is hoped that the provision of this document. 5 4.5 x x x 3 3 10 3 3 x 3 1.0 4 9 9 9 x 4.5D Min 3.5 D Min 4.5 6 9 9 9 3 9 9 9 5 9 0.5D 0.5 x 9 4.5 x 9 4.5 3 9 4.5D 0.5 D Min 4.5D / 6.5 x x 3 x x 11 15 4.5 3 0.5 4.5 3 x x x x 13 15 D Min 4.5 4.0 x 9 0.B Tank vehicle Loading / unloading Class .5 0.0 0.5 x 1.5D 9 4.0 9 4.5 4.5 1.0 0.5 x 9 4.5 4. stores.5D / 6.5D Min 3.5 D Min 3.5 4.5 3 9 4.A Tank vehicle Loading / unloading Class .5 9 x 4.5 x 9 4.5 x 9 4.0 9 0.5 x x x 0.5D / 6.5 4." it may not be practicable to comply with. installation. it is the height from tank bottom to top of tank shell. j) Hazardous Area An area will be deemed to be hazardous where. View Std-118 from GENERAL HUL461 at IIT Kanpur. LAYOUT FACILITIES OF BLOCKS / gantry.Bathymetric data (high tide level. Pumps may be arranged in two rows close to and on either side of the pipe rack. f) Fire Water pump house A building housing fire water pumps. whichever is more. The rest of controls should be taken to control room. . Curb wall around the storage tank shall have a minimum height of 30cm.2 LPG bottling facility. (b) The unit pipe rack should be kept in the centre. .Sr no. storage areas for solid products such as petroleum coke. the minimum thereof shall be used. 1.06 Whether fire station is located at a safe place? The minimum distances recommended many years ago need review in the context of today's environment in the industry. experience gained after the implementation of standards and relevant updation in the various national and international codes and practices. Pump stations and piping manifold should be located outside dyke areas by the side of roads. (c) company experience. (o) 6. acid effluents. The present document on “Layouts for Oil and Gas Installation” is the second revision of this OISD Standard. (i) Where ambient temperatures or the handling temperatures are higher than the flash point of the product. dispatch and receiving facilities with or without storage. Aviation storage & fuelling stations. group of pressurized storage tanks. For mounded LPG storage. Fire station should be upwind of process units and hydrocarbon storage area with straight approach to process units / other critical areas. 6. New Delhi BPCL. pipeline. This distance shall not be less than the diameter of the nearest vessel or 15 meters whichever is higher. Drop out area should be provided for maintenance. If the blow down drum is located underground / oil catcher is cover with vent to safe location. workshop etc. the minimum separation distance shall be 30 meter. firewater storage & firewater pump house shall be located at a safe place away from hazardous areas. Shri H.COMMITTEES ON LAYOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS Second Revision – Month /Year LEADER Shri Vinay Kumar MEMBERS GAIL (India) Limited. operational and maintenance requirements. Gas compressors should have roofing and open from sides to avoid accumulation of heavier vapours/gases on the floor of compressor house. jockey pumps. Note: In the following cases. Towers. Grouping. 15. … Oil / Gas Production Plant Oil / Gas production plant is a plant where oil and/or gas is collected. refer OISD-STD-150. Propane." A free board of 200 mm above the calculated liquid level shall be considered for fixing the height of the dyke.0 m and shall not be more than 2.2 (a) (b) (c) "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. 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