Memory & Motivation Board
Almost as soon as I moved into my new apartment back in March, I imagined having a big board above my desk with all my photos and post cards and trinkets from my life and travels. I finally had the opportunity to put together what I am calling my Memory & Motivation Board. Since it is a collection of so many fond travel memories, good friends, special moments, and also contains motivational phrases, I thought that was a more suitable name than what most call a vision board.
Farmer’s Market
So today I finally took the walk a handful of blocks over to the Hillcrest Farmer’s Market. I wasn’t sure exactly how long it would take, so I suited up in workout gear. It wasn’t necessary, it turns out.
Happy Easter 2013!
Last night, I baked cupcakes. This doesn’t seem like all that big of a deal. But please remember that I really don’t have a hearty supply of baking dishes, ingredients or the tools to make elaborate creations at this point.