Aria’s settling in nicely.
The weather has been a bit chilly this week. And this being an old building, I’m sure there is not much insulation in the walls. So I’ve been waking up and turning on this ancient heating device in the living room. It’s gas powered and actually does a very good job.
Aria is in love with this thing. She loves to lay right in front of it, like you see here in the photo. She will also sit in front of it and practically worship the thing with her head held high and her eyes closed like she’s sunbathing.
I just hope she doesn’t burn her nose on the grill or her paw as she tries to high-five the heater. I also don’t want to smell the singed hair on her tail. She’s developing a great affection for this metal monster. Let’s hope the weather warms up soon!
Tags: Aria
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