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Fresh air & sunshine!

Hash #952: An afternoon in the countryside of Vietnam pretty much guarantees you a buffalo sighting.  This one cooled off in a mud puddle!

When I traveled to Hanoi last year, I was able to enjoy 2 hash runs with Kurt, Anna and Sean.  It was a great way to see the countryside, get some fresh air, get in a long walk and interact with some very surprised locals.  Imagine a big group of foreigners descending on your village and running and walking through the rice fields, up to mountain tops and along country roads!

It was about time I joined the Hash.  I was so busy in the first few months, and then at the beginning of April, with my fall on the stairs, my ankle has been out of sorts.  But it’s felt ok for a couple of weeks and I was ready to try it out.  I’m happy that I didn’t re-injure myself or take a tumble.  It was a bit sore after the hash, but nothing to worry about.  It didn’t swell like I thought it might, so that’s super good news.

It was so nice to get out of the city, to get away from the apartment issue, the big workload and spend an afternoon with some great people.  I didn’t take a ton of photos, but I added a new album, Hanoi Hash.  Look for updates, as I plan to spend many Saturdays hashing!

On the Bright Side,



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